Recently, I played against another Kossack, OkieLawyer, in the Kossacks-only chess tournament on Talk about a teaching moment. Follow me below for my comments and a game analysis by the computer*.
*The computer is available to paid members for analysis of games completed on-site. Use of computers, other than opening databases, in on-going games is forbidden.
Computer annotations are:
?! - an inaccurate move; might have made better one
? - a mistake; definitely should not have made this move
?? - a blunder with dire consequences to follow.
There are two Kossacks chess teams on Kossacks (Kossacks
A group formed for readers and contributers to the DailyKos.") and Great Orange Satan
("We are Kossacks from the liberal blog the Daily Kos. We play small team matches. If you are a small group looking for a fight, here we are."). Join either or both to play individually aginst other Kossacks or with the others against other teams.